Athens, the territory of Attica, Greece

While other civilizations were busy hunting and gathering wealth, the people of Athens embrace the principle of democracy, and the city's rich cultural inheritance of so attracted visitors to the link which has Balarach and history. The temple sits the old Athens (Parthenon (Parthenon- behind the tops of the plateau (Acropolis - Acropolis), and there can be the start of the historic voyage in the Greek capital, this temple has remained a beacon of the city and guarding a witness to the historical changes over thousands of years. But if you did not find the tourists what they prefer in the effects of the temple, there are many tourist sites and cultural comfortable in the city and that suits all tastes, for example, a package tour group to the (museum Helinak Motor - Hellenic Motor Museum) provides one opportunity to look at more cars (Bugatti - Bugatti) and (Triumph - Triumph) scarcity. There is also the (Hall Megaron Concert - Megaron Concert Hall), which salutes symphonies classic cross techniques sound contemporary, and the black market in the district of Monastiraki worth the experience, and where many of the artifacts and cutting exotic enthralled visitors are young or adult, including rare coins and play table and some of the old hardware armies.

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